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Testimonials -Endorsements Below

Our best recommendation of our high breeding practises are our Testimonials from our puppy families, 90% of our puppies go to their new homes via repeat puppy families or recommendations ALL THE PUPPIES ON THIS PAGE ARE HOMEBRED BY Raisdoodles LOCATED IN THE UK Thankyou so much to everyone who keeps me up to date with pictures and progress reports, and for Taking the time to keep me Posted please keep them coming in we appreciate it so much!!

With so many positive things to say it’s hard to know where to start! After 4 years without a dog, we decided it was time for another addition to our family. That is where we found Alfie (originally named Hugo by Rai) a 50/50 Australian/English Chocolate Labradoodle. Where we work and live involves a lot of children so we had to choose a breed that was known especially to be good with them. After a lot of research we came across Labradoodles and whilst searching we also came across Rai, and thank goodness we did! There are many people online breeding and selling Labradoodles but none of them came close to Rai. Unlike many other breeders, Rai understands the breed of dog she breeds and has a genuine care and passion in Labradoodles. At first we were a little apprehensive about paying a deposit online without seeing our chosen pup, but after speaking with Rai (who by the way took time to speak with us on the phone on Christmas Day!!) and reading her site and seeing all the fabulous reviews on forums on the internet we just knew we were making the best decision to purchase a Labradoodle pup from her. One of the many things we liked about Rai was that she also wanted to know about us, she wants to know that her pups are going to a good loving home. Too many breeders unfortunately do not care for the welfare of their dogs. Everything Rai has explained, advised, info on her site and sent via emails have been 100% spot on, so do take note!!! Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves that Alfie is only 4 and half months old! He is so intelligent and quick to learn. By 2 and half months he was toilet trained, he has ever since sat by the patio door to ask to be let out for his business. He sits, waits, leaves, responds to ‘come’, shakes paw, hi-5’s, roly polys, crawls, down, twirls and is still so eager to learn more tricks and commands. We have an 8 year old cat who got on with our last dog but was a little off when Alfie came to us. But within a few weeks they both wind each other up, the cat always wins *grin*. But in general they get on well. Everyone who meets Alfie adores him, he is fantastic with the children who come to visit at our workplace. He walks on and off the lead really great and always likes to stay close by when off a lead which is great. When we visited the vet for his jabs he complemented on how in great health and shape Alfie was in and also what a brilliant breeder Rai is. He has been to puppy parties and really enjoys himself, this is held at the vets once a week and he has played with many other breed of dog, Alfie especially seems to like the bigger dog breeds, including a German Shepherd and Bulldog *smile*. He has had his first trim at a parlour and had just his paws, around eyes and bottom trimmed. My advice would be to get your dog lightly trimmed around his bottom area as sometimes when Alfie pooed, a poo would get caught in a curl and didn’t drop, causing a mess around his bottom and discomfort for him. By having this area trimmed lightly has really made a difference. Alfie coat is beautiful, as he gets older (is just under 5 months now) his coat gets curlier and is so glossy, it amazes me how easy it is to maintain too, he gets a brush every few days. The photos of Alfie just don’t do his coat justice. He has had a couple of showers too and loves this time! He enjoys being shampooed and then goes wild running around the house drying himself off. If we ever get another dog it will be a Labradoodle and without any hesitation will certainly be from Rai again. If you’re reading this and are deciding on a new pup, a Labradoodle from Rai is the perfect family pet. Choosing a pup from Raisdoodles, you will be getting a pup with the best start in life, so cared for, lots of advice given and aftercare too. Thank you Rai for giving us a beautiful and such a happy dog. These photos are of Alfie aged between 4-5 months old. Thankyou so much Rai for Alfie,he is such a blessing to us Best Regards Ann and Bryan Latter (Received Update 31/3/11) Dippadee x Raggs Puppies


We took Jaffa into the market today and got stopped by so many people wanting to know what he is, and where did we get him.He has been into Fat Face with me several times, and the girls in there hold him while I shop! He is a fantastic advertisement for your expert breeding, as we have heard there are a few bad examples of Labradooodles which cannot be compared. We are so proud of him. Just a word of advise to anyone who is having a problem with slow toilet training; we now use a crate at night in the kitchen and he regards it as his "den" and there is no fouling whatsoever. My husband goes to work at 7am. and lets him out in the garden and Jaffa does his business before he has his first feed. We have completed the first course of puppy classes, and I have been taking him twice a week, as he enjoys it so much. He is the best dog in the class (but I am bias)! The organisers said that they can see the difference in the Australian labradoodles regarding temperament and intelligence. We would not be without our little boy, and he has changed my life and depression since we lost our old dog in November. I have been told by my GP that Jaffa is a wonderful tonic for me! Attached are some pictures, as not sure if I sent these to you. Hope we can see some of the same litter on your review. Vanessa, Neville, and Jaffa Updated sent 2/4/11 - Dippadee x Raggs


Dear Julie & Rai at Manorborn, I felt it would be interesting and informative to your future puppy families to hear my story and experience in how we came to choose our perfect puppy and breeder. I really hadn't realised just how much information and types of labradoodles there were around; in look, temperament, fur and even facially. I thought it would be an easy task. I was baffled by the information on the internet. Eventually I came across an E book which I purchased on Labradoodles. It was a fantastic read; in turn this lead me to various other websites around the world; which then lead me back to Manornborn again! Great!!! ( I thought!) I was nearly there now and it was a toss up between two breeders, so my search had been condensed greatly. I was now in search to find one "in real life" instead of looking at photo's on-line. I visited my local parks and saw various sizes and looks to the "labradoodle" but none of them looked like the ones on Manorborn's website that I so longed for; my search had come to a stand still. I asked everyone I met with a labradoodle over the course of many more months where they had bought their doodles from and took note. Some people said they had paid very little and some had paid more! Some came from the breeders unwell (they said) and some had their puppies couriered to them from the breeders which I had read is not generally considered good practice. I knew I wanted to see the parents of my puppy and where he had lived for his first 8 weeks of life anyway. I was nearly ready to give up on my search altogether because I found the research all too much and wasn't sure whom to trust. I called Manorborn and another breeder one more time asking both breeders the same question. "If I can't visit you before I buy a puppy from you. How do I know I'm going to get an authentic ASD like the ones on your website?" I wasn't prepared to go ahead and spend a huge amount of money on a dog that looked like the ones I'd seen in my local park when I wanted one like the one's I'd seen and read about on-line ...I felt deflated. I remember when calling you to ask this question the patience you and your daughter had with me as I told you how I was feeling and you listened and answered all my questions and kindly lead me to another owner of one of your puppies not too far from me. Do you remember that? I went to see Muddy....I was delighted. There was no question after that; you were the right breeders for me and Muddy looked just like my perfect puppy from your website and being patient and reading up on choosing the right puppy and breeder really does pay off. Manorborn in my opinion are the most pleasant and informative Labradoodle breeders to talk to and are truly dedicated to this wonderful breed. I felt rest-assured my puppy was coming from a great breeding stock and it was worth the wait and patience to find him . We joined Manorborn's waiting list and counted the months then the days. Our beautiful Diesel was born 3 rd March 2010. Manorborn sent me photo's every week and updated me regularly. At week five we went to visit; you can imagine how excited we were. Greeted by two wonderful ladies as nice in person as on the phone and walked into this beautiful and clean home to see our new baby and his parents. Before we went in we had to have our shoes dipped in disinfected and our hands disinfected too. I was pleased to do this. It was another confirmation to me that Julie & Rai were considering the health of the puppies and I now understand why you just can't "turn up!". They take no chances. On collection day we came home with all the correct paperwork, food, puppy pack and Rai had spent along time with me showing me the health checks of Diesel's parents and beyond. My vet was very impressed by this when I took Diesel for his first check. I am now a member of "The UK Doodle Club Labradoodle Forum" where I have found new friends and doodle lovers alike and met up with a few too. In a nutshell... Thanks Julie & Rai from Manorborn; Diesel is everything we wanted and more!!! I enclose some photos taken today. Lots Of Love Sammie x

Marley very quickly got moved up to the next class after attending puppy classes, he really was the star of the class and that's not just me being biased. He got paired up with difficult dogs as he's so responsive and sociable. These classes are aimed for moving towards obedience. He constantly watches me and responds very well. We started Heather Smith's classes on Monday night upon her return from judging abroad and she was extremely impressed with him and wanted to know all about the background of the Australian Labradoodle, Marley being the first she's come across. She was particularly impressed with his confidence (nothing phases him). All of this of course is down to your excellent breeding program.


He has the perfect temperament. Clever, placid, confident, playful and a real approval seeker. His intelligence is something I'm looking to channel in the right direction and Heather has recommended I attend her dog dance classes and obedience as well to encourage his intelligence and keep him stimulated. She's invited us to an obedience show this weekend to spectate and learn the ropes.


The only thing we're working on improving just now is his excitement levels. When he wants to play he does occasionally bite my arms out of sheer excitement and I'm working on this at the moment. All natural for such a young puppy. Interestingly, he does not do this around my two children. Perhaps he instinctively knows they're smaller and need more caution. He only tries to grab their clothes to play tug. Again, we are working together as a family to distract him when doing this and ignore whenever necessary. Heather is all about positive reinforcement and I'm using clicker training to promote this. He loves nothing more than a good training session with me. We also enjoy some games (hide the treat under a cup), he wins every time! His favourite position is on his back, Marley loves nothing more than a good belly rub from anyone who will offer their service automatically gets added to his best friend list. This has been the case from the moment he arrived home to us.


I can't begin to tell you how overwhelmed I am with how perfect he is. I could go on forever, he truly is the 5th family member and I know he wouldn't have this any other way. The bond we have already is very strong and this will only get stronger with time. On his little walks he never strays and when we're out for a longer one with my two children he lies contently in my youngest boy's pushchair to rest his legs when I feel he's done enough at this age. Thanks Shivan

We have achieved the highest Level of Accreditation from the UKALC for our Health testing's and code of Practice therefore we can display 3 Crowns

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Some of our past dogs have made their homes in France, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Denmark, Dubai, Belgium,Sweeden, Bermuda, Netherlands, Canada, America, USA, South Africa Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Isle of White, Ireland, Spain,Italy,Malta,finland,Norway, Australia,Scotland,Ireland,Wales, and more, Export Available

ASD Breeders.  Barclay Julian Rogers
Licence No. N-DOG16

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Australian labradoodle breeders, Australian Labradoodle Puppies for sale, Breeders, breeding dogs and puppies, miniature,medium,chocolate,cream,apricot,red,Parti,black, Labradoodles uk, health tested parents,,Labradoodle Puppies,puppy

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